Provision of Personal Data to Third Parties in Foreign Countries

The Company may provide customers’ personal data to third parties in foreign countries as set forth below, and we hereby give notice of information that will be of reference in regard to such provision as follows.

Furthermore, the following countries are excluded from “foreign countries” because they are a “foreign country establishing a personal information protection system recognized to have equivalent standards to that in Japan in regard to the protection of an individual’s rights and interests.”
Iceland, Ireland, Italy, the United Kingdom, Estonia, Austria, the Netherlands, Cyprus, Greece, Croatia, Sweden, Spain, Slovakia, Slovenia, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany, Norway, Hungary, Finland, France, Bulgaria, Belgium, Poland, Portugal, Malta, Latvia, Lithuania, Liechtenstein, Romania, and Luxembourg

1. If the Transferee Cannot be Identified in Advance When Providing Personal Data to a Third Party in a Foreign Country Based on a Customer’s Consent

The Company engages in reinsurance with reinsurance companies in foreign countries from the perspective of the diversification of insurance underwriting risk, etc. However, because that risk cannot be determined until after the customer’s consent is obtained and the insurance is underwritten, which reinsurance company will ultimately provide the reinsurance is not yet decided at the time that the customer gives its consent, and it may not be possible to identify the foreign country that is the location of the reinsurance company where the customer’s personal data will be transferred and the measures taken by the reinsurance company to protect your personal data.

The following are the countries that are the locations of the business operators that are the candidates for re-insurance. (in alphabetical order)
Belgium, Bermuda, China, France, Germany, Hong Kong, India, Ireland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Singapore, South Korea, Spain, Switzerland, Taiwan, The United Kingdom, the United States of America

2. If Personal Information is Provided to a Third Party that Takes Equivalent Measures

The Company may provide personal data (including outsourcing and joint use) to a third party that has developed a system that conforms to the standards required to continuously take measures equivalent to measures that should be taken pursuant to the Privacy Act regarding the handling of personal data (“Equivalent Measures”).
Please direct any inquiries for information on the measures required to ensure continuous implementation of Equivalent Measures by such third parties to the contact offices set forth in Clause 14 “Contact Information” of the Privacy Policy.