To Be a Good Company

Message from the President

Hiroaki Shirota President
Hiroaki Shirota

I would like to express my deepest condolences to those who lost their lives in the 2024 Noto Peninsula Earthquake that struck on January 1. I would also like to convey my heartfelt sympathies to all those affected by the disaster.
As a non-life insurance company, Tokio Marine & Nichido will continue to do its utmost to support those affected and to assist in the recovery and reconstruction of the damaged areas.

I would also like to express my sincere apologies once again for the concern and inconvenience we have caused to our customers and all stakeholders due to inappropriate conduct, including premium price-fixing and fraudulent insurance claims by BIGMOTOR Co., Ltd. We sincerely regret these incidents and will make company-wide efforts to prevent a recurrence and work to regain the trust of our customers and other stakeholders.

Since our establishment in 1879, our company has worked to solve the social issues of the day by providing safety and security while protecting customers in their time of need. Even amid this era of accelerating transformation of our business environment, we believe the inherent value of insurance is to provide optimal insurance and services based on an accurate understanding of the risks and issues surrounding our customers and society. To continue to deliver the inherent value of insurance, I, with all of our officers and employees, will work together to instill a customer-oriented perspective into every corner of the organization and transform it into a "truly reliable, customer-oriented company".

We will not limit ourselves to the realm of insurance but will also provide solutions beyond insurance for our customers facing increasingly complex and diverse social issues to always be there and support them in their times of need. We will continue to deliver on our purpose of supporting our customers and society at all times and protecting them in times of need. We will not only provide security and safety through insurance, but also achieve sustainable growth by delivering new value.

I thank you for your continued support.